Mapping Your Path into 2022


Oct 2021–Jan 2022



* As featured in Forbes! *

You don't have to have all the answers.
You don't have to have it all figured out.
You don't even have to know where you're going.
(Although, I suspect you know where you don't want to be though.).
What if you gave yourself permission to explore, reflect, and be intentional about what's next? You don't have to do it alone.
You'll be guided every step of the way.

WHAT IF the New Year was not about resolutions, but an opportunity to catch your breath and get grounded? Together we’ll work on mapping our own paths forward into the New Year—and beyond! All while having some fun along the way, and in the company of others.

Set yourself up for success—as defined by YOU–in the New Year
so that you’re able to make things happen in a way that is as fun as possible, and feels true to you, NOT dictated by society’s standards.

Take off the pressure.
Allow yourself to explore, flourish, and thrive.
All while moving forward.
Every step counts.


Where do you want to be?

The past year and a half has felt like a never-ending cycle of a worldwide pandemic, social justice reckoning, climate crises, with an unforgiving news cycle of extreme events, not to mention, fighting our own personal battles on top of it. Let’s take a collective deep breath and acknowledge that it’s been a lot. And yes, THIS ALL REALLY DID HAPPEN! And, no, it’s not over yet.

It’s almost as if the universe wanted us to hit a collective reset and ask:

  • What are our priorities?

  • How do we want to be spending our time?

  • Who do we want to be spending our time with?

  • Where do we want to be?


It’s time to be INTENTIONAL

At the same time the world moves so fast that we have to be intentional to MAKE the time to reflect on these questions. While these questions should always be questions we’re asking ourselves, in the past couple years they became more relevant than ever before. 

The rules for controlling the way we move through life have changed. It’s easy to get sucked in deeper, or find ways to resist and change course, working within the constraints of what comes our way, getting more creative in the process. But what if now was the time to go deeper within ourselves, to become players in the change we want to see?

If we’ve learned anything from the time we’re living through, it’s that we can’t always predict the future. On the flip side, anything is possible.  This is often hard to see when we try to go it alone, but something magical is unlocked when we do this in community.

Mapping Your Path is a 3-month workshop that follows you into the new year. It’s about taking stock of where you are now, and where you want to be. Along the way, we’ll witness how things once beyond our realm of imagination really are possible.

We’re each on our own paths, and we’ll be exploring through reflective—and fun—creative exercises. You’ll also have a built in support system of wonderful humans around the world there to provide support, share experiences, provide inspiration, and cheer you on. Surround yourself with people who understand what it’s like to be on that journey, and are doing it with intention.


Mapping Your Path will also give you permission to:

  • find inspiration in unlikely places

  • explore alternative paths

  • slow down and reflect

  • take the pressure off to do it all

  • develop a practice to support your endeavors

  • discover new resources (some within you too!)

  • celebrate your wins

  • connect with others who can relate to the journey less traveled

  • play, explore, and have FUN!

  • show up imperfectly (you don’t have to be the perfect student to get a lot out of the experience)

I’ve resisted every organizational structure or set of principles that have ever been recommended to me. But the MYP workshop is different. It carved out the space for me to understand myself better, and with help from Anne and a community of authentic souls, I could use those insights to unlock answers that have been within me all along. The habits, the altered perspectives, and the new career path—they have all been more meaningful and enduring than I could have ever imagined.

Mapping Your Path is alchemy, because it will bring together parts of yourself and others to spark transformation you could never foresee. It’s the most supportive structured community to understand yourself better and make durable, meaningful change to your life.

You don’t have to know what you want to get out of the experience, you just have to know that you’re not where you want to be and you’re not entirely sure why.
— Annie Yi (Washington, DC)

This isn’t your typical goal setting.
This is about exploration.

You may already be clear on your destination, or you may be looking for more clarity. Other times we may think we know exactly where we want to go, only to discover it is not at all what we expected. Regardless of the path, the journey is the destination, and together we’ll walk through exercises to build our own toolkit to help carry us through whatever the future holds. We’ll work to stay the course, or detour as needed.

In Mapping Your Path into 2022 we’re using the last quarter of the year to explore and set ourselves up for success—and curveballs—as we enter the new year. We’re at a crossroads, and it’s time to be intentional about where we go next. Change doesn’t happen overnight, and we don’t have to wait for the clock to strike midnight to start taking action.

Change is a practice, one where you need to build muscles over time. There are steps we can start taking now. It’s about taking small steps, not one giant leap. We’re going to imagine our futures in a way you never have before, through creative mapping and community. 

You’ll have the opportunity to explore paths and possibilities that aren’t always the obvious path, or the one society has set you out to follow. During our three months together detours are welcome, invited, and encouraged.

The best part is, you won’t be doing it alone. You’ll have your own guide and fellow explorers of the world (all over the world) by your side no matter where you are or where you are going.

I loved the energy of the group. Thank you, Anne, for Mapping Your Path into 2021 and for your contagious enthusiasm. For all the presence and authenticity you put in this workshop. It brought magic into my life, and helped me find clarity. I’m exploring my creativity and having fun in the process!
— Céline B. (France)
I’ve been part of three rounds of Mapping Your Path now. When I first joined the group I was unemployed. Working through the creative exercises helped me focus on what was important to me and what I had (and hadn’t) enjoyed in the past to help ensure whatever I did next was fulfilling and helped me live the life I wanted to live. The community support was invaluable in providing accountability, encouraging me to look at things differently and take steps out of my comfort zone. My mindset has completely shifted from being part of MYP, and I’m happy to report I now have a job I love, in an organisation that operates in alignment with my values, where I have the flexibility I didn’t before think was possible.
— Lizetta Lyster (London, UK)


Participants in all sorts of fields and industries, both full-time and self-employed have joined MYP. There's no one size fits all, but some of these may resonate:

  • You’re globally minded with a vision for a better world with social justice, representation, and more compassion.

  • You know too deeply what overwhelm and burnout feels like from giving everything to work and/or family and know in order for anything to change you need to be intentional about making time for yourself.

  • You're in a transition phase of life (between jobs, career change, nearing empty nester, or retirement) and you want to have support and guidance as you navigate your path.

  • You’re in need of permission—and support—to try something new or different, to “follow the itch” of what is calling you but seems scary.

  • You're looking for inspiration without a huge commitment. (Big things are possible out of Mapping Your Path even if you show up imperfectly. Every little bit counts, and there’s no need to put extra pressure on yourself.)

  • What you're currently doing isn't working and you need a different way to show up for yourself.

  • You've had a creative project or business idea you've been thinking about forever but you haven't gotten around to.

  • You're in a good place, and you want to keep the momentum going, but also know that outside support from others who "get it" is what you need right now.

  • You’re ready for a reset and a jumpstart into the New Year. You’re ready for action!

Because MYP attracts so many different types of people there’s less comparison trap than other programs. Everyone is on their own journey and moves at their own pace. This is what helps make this group so special. There is a spirit of community over competition.

Past participants have joined from the US, Canada, Mexico, France, UK, Scotland, Switzerland, Brazil, Australia, Singapore, India, and beyond, bringing unique perspectives to the group. Several people have joined for all three rounds of MYP—it’s such a special place to connect!

Mapping Your Path seeks to be an inclusive, inviting, and safe space for all participants regardless of age, race, religion, sexuality, identity, or background. As a facilitator, I’m always open to feedback to make this a welcoming environment. The goal too is that we can all learn from each other.

Whether you work in the creative industries or not, you are creative. Mapping Your Path takes you on a journey of self-discovery and exploration into why you are who you are and how to be true to yourself in your next steps.

This experience really helped me connect the dots between who I am and what I want to be doing. It uses tools and approaches that are fun and different—it never felt like work—and it was really well organized and the time flew on our calls.
— Nina Winston (Chicago, USA)

EVERYONE is creative. It’s time to unlock the secret sauce and those creative juices inside of you that are itching to get out. You have permission to experiment, to explore, to think and do things differently. Oh, the possibilities…for the year ahead—and beyond!


Mapping Your Path experiences are designed acknowledging people have real lives and other things on your plate. It was created to help you carve out time and accountability to yourself. Exercises are conducted during workshops so you don’t have one more thing lingering on your to do list. Between sessions the online community allows you time to explore and connect on a deeper level with others, and with yourself.

By the end of our 3 months together you’ll have:

  • A renewed sense of direction, clarity and focus, calm and inner peace

  • A renewed sense of self and the journey you’re on

  • A renewed sense of creativity and energy to carry into your life and work

  • A realization that you’re in it for the long game and not instant gratification

  • A realization that more isn’t necessarily better

  • A realization that sometimes slowing down is how you go further, faster

  • A feeling of inspiration, fulfilment, and new confidence to carry forward

  • A sense of connection with yourself, and with others

  • Reminders to find joy and have fun

  • Permission to explore, experiment, and try new things

  • A toolkit of amazing resources

  • An incredible, globally minded community to inspire and celebrate your journey

  • A bit more magic in your life!

You’ll take all this into the New Year, where you’ll already know that ANYTHING is possible! And just imagine what you’re going to be able to create with all of that…


Everyone is on their own unique journey. It’s not always the path we expect, or a straight line. Stay open to possibilities…

The community that you cultivated was so special. It’s incredible that you attracted a group of kind hearted, supportive individuals from around the world to be a part of the program. Learning that other people were also dealing with the things that I was was struggling with and working through them together was what made the program worth it.
— Nishant Bhansali (India)


Progress is going to look different to everyone.

For you maybe it may mean checking in daily in the MYP community. For others it's weekly or bi-weekly. It's up to you how often you want to check in. There is no pressure, however, the participants who experience the most growth tend to have some level of engagement in the Slack community. (You can hang out in the community all day too if you want!)

Anne, your guide, is an active member of this community happy to provide feedback and direction on whatever you’re working on. The more you share, the more you'll receive. Other community members will likely be eager to share their support as well. Community members tend to share the coolest, most inspiring resources too!

Keep in mind that getting the most out of this experience doesn’t always mean doing more. You may need support as you work to dial back your commitments and how much you take on, as you set boundaries.

This is unlike any other workshop I have ever done; it truly was one of the most meaningful things I have done for myself (personally and professionally).

MYP is like a group of friends who are helping you achieve actual goals but also a sense of purpose and meaning; it is an abundant collection of ideas, views from which you can draw what works for you.
— Mara M. (Baltimore, USA)


We all have our own roadblocks. You are not alone when you’re in MYP. It’s time to break through and find new clarity.

Before you rush to assumptions and conclusions, this is NOT like any other online workshop or program. (If you have doubts or questions, reach out and ask!) This was designed to be what I wish every other group I’ve been a part of would, and could be.

Trust me when I say I've tried so many things over the year. This group is not only inspired by what has worked for me, but also what I've seen that hasn't worked. This is about daring to do things differently and showing up for yourself. It also may mean getting out of your head and exploring what you really feel pulled to do.

For anything to be a success, it takes a sense of openness to trying new ways of doing things. (You're also welcome and encouraged to share what's worked for you in the community group so we can all learn and grow from each other.)

What this is NOT:

  • Another thing to do and feel behind on

  • A backlog of videos to watch

  • More worksheets and homework

  • Baby-sitting and hand-holding 

What this IS:

  • Active progress towards your goals

  • Taking steps (the first step?) to what you really want to be doing/working on

  • Carving out time for YOU and your needs

  • Taking the time to work on your endeavors without adding to your workload

  • Prioritizing YOU over the stress of life and work (this can even mean 5 min a day!)

  • Feeling like you showed up for yourself for once

  • Re-writing the narrative that you don't have time for certain things or that it’s too late to start

  • Connecting with yourself and with others

  • A way to check in and see your progress (it takes PRACTICE)

  • Support and guidance when you feel stuck or blocked

  • A judgement-free zone where you can show up for yourself, as yourself

  • A sense of purpose, drive, and forward momentum

  • A gentle kick in the butt to stop making excuses, and start making progress

  • Learning and being inspired by others and their experiences to propel us forward

  • Being open to different ways of doing things

  • Finding clarity going into the New Year

  • Investing in yourself and your future (because you deserve it!!!)

I think the diversity of the group was something I was longing for and in that, I had a lot of insights I am still learning to work with. It was the jolt of creative adrenaline that I usually get from traveling, but can’t get right now.
— Jessica Riehl (Portland, OR, USA)

When was the last time you voluntarily allowed yourself to get lost?!?!


When you think of maps in 2021 chances are your brain goes to whatever digital map you have installed on your phone. The little blue dot tells you where you are, and when you type in a destination, the line tells you where to go. We rarely think to question it, following it like the dot knows best.

We’re so focused on the destination that sometimes we forget where we’re going, why we’re going there, or how to get there the way we best know how. There are so many external forces at work guiding us, that we can all too easily ignore our internal compass.

We can get so focused on the destination that we can forget to enjoy the ride. The journey is the destination, after all. 

Slowing down doesn’t come naturally for most of us. In fact, you probably went kicking and screaming into your COVID quarantine before starting to feel just the tiniest bit of relief at having all the obligations stripped away.

All too often we get sucked into the vortex of society (who sets those standards anyway?), from hustle culture to doing what we think we’re supposed to do. As we map your path into 2022 we’ll take the time to pause, explore, reflect, and ask ourselves questions we’ve been ignoring for too long.

We’ll play and have fun as we start to chart our course forward, making sure our priorities are in check. We’ll do this through a series of creative exercises using pen (colorful markers encouraged too!), paper, and some journaling and reflection to go with it.

You have permission to slow down, reflect about you and your life.

Mapping Your Path is an interactive and creative way to figuring out what you truly want to do next in a fun and international community of thoughtful and talented individuals.

The community allowed me to see different viewpoints and different ways of doing things. I love looking at other member’s take on the different exercises.

Biggest takeaway: I actually am creative and I can inject my creativity into my business. I can have EASE and FUN in my work.

Don’t squander an opportunity to join one of Anne’s workshops. It will set your soul on fire!
— Megan Miles (New Orleans, USA)


Mapping Your Path into 2022 sets sail on Friday, Oct 1st! We’ll have one week to catch our breath and get settled into the online community before our first live workshop. [Note: The community is open, and the first workshop has already taken place, but it’s not too late to join!]

Each month we’ll connect through live workshops and reflection sessions with exercises, connection calls to connect with other group members, and we’ll stay connected through our online community—a VERY special place—in between sessions. Participants will be able to join in a way that works with their schedule and lifestyle.

Note: You do not have to be able to join live to get a lot out of the experience. MYP was designed to have multiple ways to connect.






  • Monthly [live] workshops with creative exercises

    The first Friday of October, November, and December there will be a live workshop, which will be recorded for those who can’t join live. These will be on Zoom from 5-6:30pm CET/Paris. Each month we’ll explore mapping-inspired exercises as well as journal prompts.

    You’ll be given time during the workshops to work on the exercises to help ease your workload of adding one more thing to your plate. It’s up to you how much time you want to devote to the the prompts and projects outside of time we’re on calls together. (There is no grade at the end, this is for you!!)

    Community members will be able to watch the replay whenever they want, and as many times as they want, through the Teachable portal.

    Dates: FRIDAYS – Oct 8, Nov 5, Dec 3

  • Monthly reflection sessions
    Two weeks after the live workshop we’ll have a reflection session that builds on the exercises explored during that month’s workshop, along with one new exercise. This is an intentional time to reflect on the work we’re doing and paths we’re on. These sessions will meet on Thursdays from 5-6:30pm CET/Paris time on Zoom. They also will be recorded, so if you can’t join live you’ll be there in spirit through watching the replay.

    Dates: THURSDAYS – Oct 21, Nov 18, Dec 16

  • Monthly connection calls
    Once a month there will also be an opportunity to hop on “connection calls” which are typically the 3rd week of the month. These mini group calls of 5 to 6 community members + Anne are informal conversations where everyone is invited to talk through any exercises, ask for feedback, or look for support on anything they’re working on. The day/time for these calls will vary and adapted to meet as many schedules—and time zones—as possible. Trust me when I say these calls can be MAGIC and are always a highlight for past MYPers.

    Dates/times will vary throughout the 3rd week of the month.

  • Community
    For connection between sessions, we’ll also have a private Slack community for weekly check-ins, resource sharing, working through exercises, and providing support for anything you’re thinking about. There is no pressure to be connected all the time, but for many people their biggest growth happens here with the support of the INCREDIBLE community of humans that MYP attracts.

    Those who aren’t able to join the workshops and reflection sessions live still get immense value and connection out of MYP through the community.

  • Wrap up call
    After the holidays, which always get a bit crazy, we’ll regroup and get back on track with a wrap up call on January 14th from 5-6:30pm CET/Paris to ensure we keep the good momentum and energy going into the the New Year.

    Date: Jan 14

Note: Don’t stress about dates or missing a call. Everything is recorded, and the online private community is a fantastic way to connect at any time, regardless of your time zone. It’s more important to carve out some time for yourself than to show up perfectly. Group members are also encouraged to connect beyond the “walls” of MYP. My goal is to create a structure where people can thrive without feeling overwhelmed, with a vision where the group can grow in ways I haven’t imagined yet thanks to the input of the community.

MYP gives you tools to see your path differently. Both as a way to look back on inflection points and forks in the road in new perspectives, but also as a way to build direction and resilience moving into the future.
— Ben Carmel (Switzerland / USA)

What you’ll walk away with:

  • Exploratory maps

  • New exercises to help your inner compass stay on track

  • Your own mini guidebook to refer to when things go off course

  • A word, theme, or mantra to carry you forward (your guiding force)

  • New friends + support system

  • A new, empowered mindset!

Thank you for a really, really fun experience that helped me realize the power of community. I’ve never joined a creative community like this before and am now a believer! Being a part of this group has really shifted the way I approach new challenges and move away from the ‘shoulds’. Mapping Your Path was essential to me taking the plunge and reconsidering the next chapter of my career path.
— Shweta Johri Scott (Luxembourg)

Goal: Remove overwhelm, NOT add more to your to do list. It’s time to MAKE time for YOU. And have some FUN while you’re at it!!




Anne S. Ditmeyer (aka Prêt à Voyager, translation: ready to travel) has never been one to do things the traditional way. From being a member of the men's crew team in college to starting her own business in France (which eventually earned her dual citizenship), Anne has always been guided by "her own special gyroscope" as her mom would say. She believes "travel is not about where you go, but how you see the world." Her year abroad had a huge influence in how she sees the world and approaches her work, driven by experience and viewing the city as her classroom. She believes in sharing "alternative narratives" or the stories we don't always hear. Creativity and fun is at the heart of all the work she does, and is at the core of Mapping Your Path into 2022.

This 3-month program isn’t anything you learned in school. It’s unwiring a lot of what you thought you know, reframing old stories, focusing on your own inner compass, and inviting in creative exploration as you set yourself up for a year like none other. Anne is here to help you connect the dots and support you along the way whether it’s providing a resource, feedback, or connecting you to another group member. You don’t have to do it all yourself; Anne has your back, and is an active participant throughout the process.

I loved the community aspect. I felt the mini sessions really helped create deeper connections with people and I’ve loved that.

The price was pretty amazing, especially considering how personally involved Anne is with everything. You don’t see that often. The time was very manageable, especially with the options to review on your own. And the community is an extra level of support I know I needed during this time.

Its hard to put this into words - but MYP gave me a framework to create the space I needed to sit in all the swirling. It was the crossroads of all the work that just created a calm eye in the middle of a storm to pause and reflect.
— Tami Lynn Ross (Atlanta, USA)

Think: Playground of possibilities + exploration

The perks:

  • If you can’t join live all the video lessons will be posted in the workspace.

  • If you miss a week (or more), it’s not the end of the world. We’ve got 3 months together!! Lessons are paced out intentionally to avoid overwhelm and allow you to go deeper rather than doing more. (There’s time to noodle on it!). 

  • We’ll be a close knit group so you won’t get lost in the sea of others like in many group trainings. You’ll get personal attention.

  • You can turn to the online community whenever you need help, support, or an extra nudge. We can dig into those things that have been calling you and brainstorm different ways to get there.

  • In the connection calls you never know what amazing humans you’ll meet and what synchronicity may happen.

  • You’ll flex different muscles and have a ton of fun! (And there may be maps on bananas, for inquiring minds…)

  • You’ll head into the New Year with a sense of peace, control, and feeling ready for anything. 

  • You may just grow and surprise yourself in the process! (And even in unexpected ways.)

I am really just incredibly grateful for feeling energized and engaged in shaping the outcome of my life rather than riding the waves. MYP asked me a lot of questions and that felt great. It’s often said that asking a person questions shows genuine interest and caring– it’s how we build connections. Asking myself these questions and pushing myself to answer them (hard!) was rewarding.

I’d absolutely say go for it. It was without a doubt worth the time and money. MYP was different in that it felt authentic, but also innovative and concrete. Anne’s level of engagement with participants across all the sessions and media is unique. As a coach, her authenticity shows and is valuable.
— Anne B. (Utah, USA)

Enter the New Year feeling grounded with a calm confidence for what is to come!


The community is now OPEN!


How do I join?

You click below to sign up! There are two payment options: You can pay in full, or three monthly installments.

NOTE: Enrollment is now officially closed until 2020.


All sales are final. Mapping Your Path is a commitment to yourself. Even if you can’t join live you’ll have access to the replays, even after the workshop ends. It’s never too late to do something for YOU!


I’m based in a part of the world where I’ll be asleep during the workshops. Can I still get anything from the experience?
Yes! We’ve had members join from all corners of the globe. The Slack community is a great way to connect with other community members and reflect on exercises (thinking out loud there is very much encouraged.

We’ve had someone join from Australia in the past and even though she couldn’t join the live calls, every month I made sure there was a time she could meet others during the “connection calls” (mini groups with 5-6 other MYPers). Every workshop and reflection session is recorded so you can watch on your own time. Some people even enjoy the fact that they can pause while they watch so they can spend more time with the exercises.

Sometimes people have work or other commitments that keep them from joining live workshops, but the same response as above applies. There are different elements that make up MYP, and different components are going to resonate with people differently. The goal is that you can find a way that makes it work for you?

What if I already did Mapping Your Path into 2021?
I don’t know about you, but every year I need the excuse for reflection and reset. This is no different. We’ll do many of the same activities that we’ve done in the past, but you’ll go into them with another year worth of experience under your belt. I see MYP as a living experience so I’m always adapting exercises and integrating new ideas and material inspired by the times, and members of the group. (New people = new ideas + inspiration!)

There are several people who have participants who have joined for all three rounds of MYP. There are others who have joined, taken a break, and rejoined. There’s no one size fits all way of approaching this. It is not a sign of failure that you are taking this workshop again—quite the opposite really. It shows you are committed to yourself and have found something that resonates with you. There’s a new year, and a new guiding force ahead! It’d be an honor and privilege to have you back. :) I always learn as much from MYP community members as I hope you learn from me, and I am eternally grateful for that!

What is the Slack community?
Slack is the (free) tool I use for the community. You can download the app or open it in a browser tab. It’s up to you if you keep alerts (I’ll send you email reminders for key things). If you’ve never used Slack before, don’t worry, I’ll be onboarding everyone and sending a short how-to video. Like many things in life, oftentimes the best way to approach things is to learn by doing.

Many people use Slack at work already, so I realize that checking Slack can get overwhelming. Heads up that you do not have to read all of the messages posted, or respond to anything. But you can expect a response from me (Anne). I’m happy to share resources, give feedback, support however I can; my basic rule is that you need to share it on a public channel and I’ll be more than happy to respond and exchange with you (you may get some awesome other feedback too!)

I really want to join but it feels out of my budget right now. What should I do?
I want to encourage you to think about how you can look at MYP as an INVESTMENT in yourself. The first time I invested in a coach it was terrifying and felt like a lot of money. It turns out it was the step I needed to start taking my business more seriously. It was the nudge, jolt, and support I needed at that time.

I never want anyone to feel like they are beyond their financial means to join this group. However, I do encourage you to look to see if there is anywhere in your life you can save money (do you really need all those subscriptions), and see if you can find a way to make it work. I can assure you I’ve witnessed so many transformations from people who join the group from someone getting into their dream grad school program to someone who lost their job due to Covid getting a new job that’s way better than anything they would have imagined before. The ultimate goal is that you will make shifts in your life through MYP that will set you up for future success.

Is there a way to work 1-on-1 with you?
A portion of MYPers have worked with me in a 1:1 coaching capacity before joining MYP, or decide to continue with me 1:1 after MYP wraps. It’s a joy and pleasure to get to know everyone in the community. I do offer direct support in the Slack community (this is rare in many programs) and am on all the mini group connection calls. I also offer discounted 1:1 coaching calls to those in MYP. MYPers also get priority for my 1:1 coaching slots (vs. someone emailing me through my website.)

What kind of time commitment should I expect?
I don’t know about you, but I find life to be a full-time job. I fully expect people to have other things going on, so that’s why I designed MYP the way I did—the essentials (not cluttered with bonuses and more things to do). The workshops and reflection sessions are 1.5 hours, and mini group connection calls are 1 hour, so that makes 4 hours a month. The Slack community is whatever feels right for you (warning: don’t feel guilty if you can’t check it all the time). If you’re in a slow period of life, you’re welcome to be in the community daily (I’ll be there!), or if you have a full schedule, I recommend scheduling a bit of time every week on your calendar so you can check it (with the community, but more to check in with yourself). You don’t have to be the perfect student or top of the class to get a ton out of the experience. It’s a great time to experiment too!

Still have questions?
I’m here to help! Shoot me/Anne an email at or send me DM on social media. I’m happy to answer any questions you may have, or help you decide if this is the right fit for you right now.