Move the needle forward getting started, keeping it real, mindsetAnne DitmeyerMarch 30, 2023progress, small steps, getting startedComment
Resistance and the stories you tell yourself getting started, mindsetAnne DitmeyerSeptember 27, 2021limiting beliefs, resistance, start before you're ready, self belief, trustComment
Doing something new / different can be scary. Do it anyway. my story, getting startedAnne DitmeyerApril 29, 2021accountability, fear, limiting beliefs, growthComment
Where should I teach online? getting startedAnne DitmeyerJune 23, 2020online teaching, online teaching platformsComment
Things nobody tells you about running a business getting startedAnne DitmeyerMay 21, 2019women in biz, going freelance, starting a buisness, things I wish I knewComment
Start small. Start somewhere. Start. getting startedAnne DitmeyerMay 10, 2019procrastination, getting started, business evolution, odd jobs, learning as you go, power of small, it all adds upComment