What I've learned about the power of community...


Community is more important now than ever. Here’s what I’ve learned about the power of community.

We're not meant to do this human thing alone. In community we can all play different roles.
When you stay open you open possibility.
You never know who you may meet, what their backstory is, or how a random comment or question can lead to deep connection.
Richness comes from learning about the paths, journeys, and experiences of others. (And discovering common threads).
Others can better support you if you tell them what you need. (It's OK if it's a bit messy and even you aren't totally clear—you'll get there together.)
Sometimes the best connection is about the silliest little things. There's joy and delight.
Not every community will resonate with you, but when you find your people, you'll know

I created the community I wish existed. ✨ 

If you’re seeking a different kind of community, MAPPING YOUR PATH is a global gathering of curious, creative individuals who aren’t satisfied with the status quo—and are ready to explore another way forward.

For the record, I believe everyone is creative. MYP welcomes professionals at all levels seeking to go deeper or navigate change.

The next 3-mo cohort kicks off February 6th! 🚀 Get the full scoop here!

I’d love to hear what community has taught you! Let me know in the comments.