Vision Board Workshop 2025 (Jan 11)


Create your own intuition-led vision board. There's power to doing this in community. (Replay available if you can't join live. )

WHEN: Saturday, January 11th, 2025 from 506:30pm CET/Paris (11am-12:30pm EST/NYC) [Visit the Eventbrite link for local times.]

WHERE: Worldwide via Zoom


Are you clear on what you want out of the year ahead?
Are you still exploring what's next for you?
Are you looking for more clarity?
How will you get there?
How do you want to feel?

Whether or not you're clear on these questions, this workshop is for you! Vision boards are tool for exploration and can give us clues and reminders that allow us to come back to ourselves, our goals, and our visions for our futures. All you need is an open mind (and some basic supplies).


The first time I heard mention of vision boards, I rolled my eyes. I was not only highly skeptical, I was judging something before I even gave it a try.

I had convinced myself that it’d never work. The life I was drawn to was not what was rendered in magazines. I made excuses and avoided even thinking about considering it despite the fact that I saw people who I looked up to singing their praises.

Then one year, my Mastermind group decided to make vision boards together as a group activity. I agreed, albeit reluctantly. Since that fateful day, I’ve never turned back. I’m a vision board convert.

I saw how the stories I had in my head weren’t supporting me. I was able to get creative and creative something I was excited about, and proud of. I was able to compile a collection of ideas that resonated with me. Now I look forward to creating one every year! This workshop is designed to get you thinking about vision boards differently too! We can't control our futures, but we can draw inspiration from our intution.

Not only can I make sense of my vision boards by the end of the year, but they also provide another tool and anchor to ground me throughout the ups and downs of a year.

In this 1.5-hour workshop we’ll:

  • Create your own vision board unique to you in this season of life

  • Walk you through my process + learn from others in the workshop

  • Share tips as you work on your vision board in real time

  • Share my past vision boards + favorite stories and considerations

  • Talk about the importance of intuition in vision board creation

  • Provide quiet focused time as you work on yours

  • Answer any questions you have about vision boards

    The link to the Zoom room will be sent from Anne's email (hello @ 1 hour before the workshop. Look for a reminder email 24 hours before start with additional tips to help you prep too.


  • Magazines you can cut up (ask friends and neighbors for their old magazines! It's more fun to have a mix, and even some magazines that you wouldn't normally have access to)

  • Scissors

  • Gluestick (tape works too, but a gluestick is easiest)

  • Large poster board or paper (you can tape multiple sheets together if need be)

  • Tape (to hang your board on the wall; I use washi tape) or pinboard where you can make your board visible

Note: Typically 5-7 magazines of different varieties (the perk of vision boarding with friends or asking others for their old magazines) is plenty. If you have more magazines it may take more time to create your vision board.

Vision boards can be created digitally with tools like Canva or Powerpoint, but this workshop will be focused on creating a tangible/physical board. There is something about the act of physically touching that is powerful, magical, and leads to the unexpected. The physical act of working with magazines and other printed material allows us to follow our intution rather than controlling the outcome.


  • 1-hour story sharing (and magazine cutting)

  • 20 min laying out / gluing your vision board

  • 10 min wrap up + final thoughts

You’re invited and encouraged to flip through your magazines while I present the workshop. I’ve you’d like to pre-tear some pages and cut out words and images that resonate with you before the workshop you are welcome to so you have more time to assemble your vision board during the workshop time.


This workshop will be recorded live on Saturday, January 11, 2024.

This workshop has already taken place. A replay is available for sale on my workshops page.


YES! If something comes up and you can't join live, don't stress. You'll feel like you're there in the replay which will be available to watch for 2 weeks after the workshop ends.

With the replay you'll get the benefits of the power of vision boarding in community with the perk of being able to get started right away and hit pause if you need a break.


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