2025: Connectivity reflections, mapsAnne DitmeyerJanuary 24, 2025connectivity, map of the year, map making, mapping your pathComment
2024: Bloom maps, reflectionsAnne DitmeyerJanuary 21, 2024word of the year, guiding force, map of the year, mapping your pathComment
Looking back on 2023: IGNITE! reflectionsAnne DitmeyerDecember 31, 2023year in review, word of the yearComment
Business + the nervous system mental health, keeping it real, reflectionsAnne DitmeyerJune 4, 2023nervous system, promotion, launch, business launchComment
The 2023 More/Less List! reflections, resourcesAnne DitmeyerJanuary 4, 2023more less list, new years resolutionsComment
Looking back on 2022: The Magic Within You reflectionsAnne DitmeyerDecember 30, 2022word of the year, year in reviewComment
The Journey of Evolution mindset, reflectionsAnne DitmeyerDecember 6, 2022healing journey, spiritualComment
The discomfort of transformation my story, reflections, mindsetAnne DitmeyerAugust 12, 2022discomfort, transition, transformation, illustrated storyComment
Open your eyes to the world around you. reflections, inspirationAnne DitmeyerAugust 11, 2022street wisdom, travel, inspiration, pay attention, obseravation, intuitionComment
The Season of Slow mental health, reflectionsAnne DitmeyerJuly 19, 2022rest, seasons of business, slow, comparison trap, imposter syndrome, trusting your pathComment
2022... The Year of the Magic within You reflections, mapsAnne DitmeyerJanuary 16, 2022word of the year, mapping your path, maps, guiding forceComment
AUDACITY: Looking back on 2021 my story, reflectionsAnne DitmeyerJanuary 5, 2022word of the year, reflection, guiding forceComment