2024: Bloom maps, reflectionsAnne DitmeyerJanuary 21, 2024word of the year, guiding force, map of the year, mapping your pathComment
Mini Mapping Your Path into 2024 workshops (online + in Paris) workshopAnne DitmeyerDecember 5, 2023mapping your path, mapping workshop, creativity, creativity workshops, year in reviewComment
What's in a map? myp, mapsAnne DitmeyerSeptember 27, 2023mapping, mapping your path, maps, map making, navigation, guidanceComment
When journeys go places we couldn't have imagined my story, workshop, mypAnne DitmeyerOctober 3, 2022myp, my story, mapping your path, journey, biz journeyComment
My favorite question: WHAT IF there was another way? support system, workshopAnne DitmeyerMay 6, 2022mapping your path, guiding question, support systemComment
What does community mean to you? support systemAnne DitmeyerMay 3, 2022community, mapping your pathComment
Mapping Your Path Tuscany retreat workshop, eventsAnne DitmeyerApril 27, 2022retreat, mapping your path, tuscany, travelComment
2022... The Year of the Magic within You reflections, mapsAnne DitmeyerJanuary 16, 2022word of the year, mapping your path, maps, guiding forceComment
The journey into Mapping Your Path my story, reflections, mapsAnne DitmeyerNovember 9, 2021mapping your path, creative workshops, mapping, maps, banana mapsComment
A brief history of banana maps my story, mapsAnne DitmeyerOctober 31, 2021workshops, creative workshops, banana maps, fun, mapping your path, mappingComment
Mapping Your Path: Finding Direction workshopAnne DitmeyerFebruary 4, 2021mapping, mapping your path, clarityComment